A stand against the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS

Bodaboda riders in Kyengera Town Council make a stand against the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS among their fellows.

Their fellow motorcycle riders threaten to derail the fight against HIV because of risky sexual behaviours, including sex with clients. And so we took it upon the project dubbed “Boda Beeramu” to handle these dangerous habits by having a 2-day campaign that had activation activities at Ssumba village in a Boda stage to stage mobilization for the free HIV/AIDS health services outreach by the #Boda_Beeramu project in Kyengera Town Council which included: AIDS testing and counselling, TB screening, condom distribution at Kasenge Health Centre II in Kasenge town council. Which was targeting motorcyclists (boda boda riders) their partners and the community.

During the group counselling sessions, approximately half the riders agreed that they were not as careful about HIV and sex because there is better treatment for AIDS nowadays. Only a few riders had been tested for HIV, and transactional sexual relations were typical. Thus making AIDS testing a strong tool to help them take care of themselves. It’s against this that Public Health Ambassadors Uganda in partnership with PEPFAR raise HIV/AIDS awareness and treatment with edutainment activities in mobilization for the HIV/AIDS outreach in Wakiso district.

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