How we work

Our Approach

PHAU uses an edutainment, informative and performance arts approach such as through plays, skits, poems, dance narratives and flash mobs to mobilize young people for health services and to create awareness. PHAU also advocates for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) within the surrounding community through advocacy and youth empowerment, community development initiatives and social entrepreneurship.

Peer Education

PHAU uses the multiplier effect of increasing information flow from one person to another. PHAU trains peer educators to use EIPA approach in empowering adolescents and youths in issues of SRH. Young people relate better with each other hence they are able to share experiences, hold discussions and debates on thematic topics. The trained peer educators then form Peer Health Teams (PHTs) that reach out to other adolescents and youths within schools and communities.

ICT for Health

PHAU has embraced the use of ICT in increasing access to SRH information and services. This is done through use of various social media platforms where young people like, follow, share and comment on various thematic topics. They are engaged with case scenarios, short videos, photos with hash-tags(#) SRH messages. PHAU has over 50,000 followers on Facebook, Twitter, Google plus, Instagram, Linked In and Flicker.

Business and Entrepreneurship Training, Mentorship and Coaching

PHAU trains young people and women in small business management skills, financial literacy, booking keeping and linking them to financial institutions. Economic empowerment enables young people to be job creators than job seekers hence increasing income levels at household levels. This is done through creating micro saving programs, income-generating groups, business dialogues, and forums.

Capacity Building

Building the capacity of the different civil society actors, peer educators, VHTS, partners will improve their ability to address the new trends of issues related to SRHR, HIV/AIDS affecting young people. This is purposed to create sustainability and continuity of interventions even when the projects/programs come to an end.

Edutainment and Informative Performance Arts (EIPA) approach

short skits, participatory theater, poems, dance narratives and flash mobs for community awareness and sensitization through interactive, participatory and fun sessions. EIPA provides a safe and supportive environment for young people to access youth Reproductive friendly services.


PHAU introduces a model in the community-involving advocacy where the community is stimulated through community-led dialogues to identify, analyze, prioritize, create solutions, plan and implement them. PHAU will work to ensure that advocacy efforts are undertaken in relevant forums and seek to promote that all actors or stakeholders understand the roles and functions related to civil society actors.

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