Contract for the Public Relations Company Event Communication Services
Befree cup: Media Café on Menstrual health and products, October 2020
Bfree Cup General Information
The Bfree project is a pilot of a newly developed antibacterial ‘Bfree Cup, a menstrual cup that does not require water for boiling and like other menstrual cups lasts for more than 10 years. It is a sustainable solution to the menstrual hygiene challenges adolescent girls and women face in Uganda, especially in a refugee and rural settings contexts.
The project is sub-granted from Women’s Global Health Innovations (WGHI) from a grant supported by the Fund for Innovative Transformation (FIT), the Intercouncil Network (ICN), and the Government of Canada. It is a sub-grant partnership between PHAU and WoMena in Uganda.
The Bfree Cup Pilot media café is planned as a half day media event meant for dialogue and exchange, to be held in October to expound on the many intersectional issues related to menstrual health. The main goal of the event is to highlight the importance of menstrual health commodities in and of themselves and the relationship with Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) outcomes. and to address core issues around quality menstrual product access, which is crucial for sustainable development, healthy futures as well as good governance.
Bfree Cup Pilot Media Cafe & Adjumani district Context
WGHI in partnership with PHAU and WoMena will organize the Bfree Cup Pilot media cafe in Kampala, Uganda as well as in Adjumani later in October 2020. With financial support from the Canadian government, Adjumani district has been selected to host the Bfree Cup Pilot media cafe this year. Since then, the media’s role has continued to evolve, accommodating for innovative approaches to news items and encouraging active engagement among the public.
For this event in Adjumani district, local actors from various industries- private, public, media/journalists, celebrities and educational- are targeted to showcase concrete examples of innovative and creative initiatives that foster menstrual health and thereby facilitate engagement and progress towards country-relevant Sustainable Development Goals.
The proposed format of the Bfree Cup Pilot media café consists of a mid-morning session during which a maximum of 5 speakers will deliver a 10-minute long TEDx-style speech. These concise, skillful and eloquently memorized talks are expected to convey the speakers’ experiences and their conception on the topic of menstrual health for Adjumani district’s development. Subsequently, they will engage with the attendees through a Q&A session.
The immediate services of a Communication/Public Relations Company are required to support Women’s Global Health Innovations and a partnership between PHAU and WoMena in coordination with The Adjumani health committee. This contractor will mainly ensure the technical capacity as well as plan and implement the communication/public relations strategy for the BFREE CUP PILOT MEDIA CAFÉ event to be held in Kampala and later a PR campaign in Adjumani district, in October 2020..
The contractor will design and implement the communication plan of the Bfree Cup Pilot media cafe event to be held in Kampala and Adjumani district, in October 2020.The contractor will primarily perform the following tasks and may partake in some additional duties related to the communication plan of the event.
- Effectively plan the visual concept of the event through the elaboration of a script of the event’s flow
- Adapt and disseminate outreach materials provided by BFREE CUP PROJECT TEAM to roll out an effective communication plan before, during and after the event
- Hardcopy promotional materials such as banners, kakemonos and posters
- Program booklet which includes the agenda and the speakers’ biographies in printable and electronic versions
- Ensure the event visibility via social media before the event
- Live broadcast and ensure social media presence during event for larger coverage
- Design the communication tools essential for the event: Pins/badges for the speakers,
- Promote the event via local media and social media
- In collaboration with the bfree project team, draft and translate radio messages.
- A video clip which either includes impression video shots of the event or key highlights from the most interesting speakers
- A final produced and edited video aggregating the whole day
- The original, non-edited, raw version of the recordings and high-resolution photos
- Provide adequate technical capacity in line with the type of event envisioned
- Find and secure a proper venue
- Decoration of the stage and the event place
- Adequate lightning for main spotlight on the speaker on theater stage and if possible, headset microphones should be available for the speakers to wear during their presentations
- Large screen behind the stage with one slide to permanently be displayed behind each speaker with the title of his/her presentation and the Bfree Cup Project official communication visual backdrop
- The retransmission of the Bfree Cup project video.
- A final activity report to be submitted to BFREE CUP PROJECT TEAM for approval
- Coordinate and be responsive to the activities of the National Commission of Adjumani district’s Steering Committee
- Support in identifying a moderator for the event
From September to October 30th, 2020
- A Steering Committee, comprised of a maximum of 10 members, to work under the authority of the Bfree Cup project team and key stakeholders from Adjumani district
- An elaborated, written communication plan including a script of the event’s flow
- A program booklet (in printable and electronic versions) which includes the agenda and the speakers’ biographies
- A final 1-2 minute-long produced and edited video of the day event which captures key highlights of each speaker and an overview of the half day of October 2020.
- The rushes of videos taken during the event, and high-resolution photographs
- Coordinate a media briefing and involve our official project filming company; Bridge Films.
- A concise activity report, elaborating on the overall event, the number of attendees, the consultant’s output and outcomes as well as difficulties encountered and future recommendations
BFREE CUP PROJECT TEAM will remunerate upon receipt and approval of the totality of deliverables. The contractor will perform duties in Adjumani district.
Payment 1: An elaborated, written communication plan including a script of the event’s flow (60%).
Payment 2 : A validated concise activity report (40%).
- 3 to 5 years relevant professional experience in media/advertising and/or event planning in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Based in Kampala and experience countrywide including Adjumani district
- Proficient audiovisual, event recording and video production capabilities