The Citizen Report Card (CRC) is a simple but powerful tool to provide public agencies with systematic feedback from users of public services. By collecting feedback on the quality and adequacy of public services from actual users, CRC provides a rigorous basis and a proactive agenda for communities, civil society organization or local governments to engage in a dialogue with service providers to improve the delivery of public services.
We used the Citizens’ Report Card (CRC) tool to capture information, from community beneficiaries and health duty bearers that provides the PITCH Stakeholders with systematic feedback from the users of SRH services from health centre’s on their level of satisfaction with the services.
According to Lakshmisha (2018) a Citizen Report Card or CRC is a participatory social audit tool based on user feedback on public service delivery. It is a collective reflection of citizens’ feedback on the performance of a service provider formed by their experience of actually having used a particular service for a period of time.
The CRC addresses critical themes and levels of satisfaction in the delivery of services in terms of access to services; quantity (e.g. number of facilities Vs patient visits); quality of services extended; reliability of services; problems encountered by users of services and responsiveness of service providers (Health personnel, HUMCs and Leadership) in addressing these problems; and transparency in service provisions (e.g. disclosure of service quality standards and norms, disclosure of costs incurred, involvement of HUMCs in planning, implementation and monitoring).
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