National Sexuality Education Framework Dialogue

This was a dialogue organized by Public Health Ambassadors Uganda (PHAU) held with teachers from different schools, district leaders, parents and local leaders from the Luwero district.

To create awareness about the NSEF framework as well as enable them to understand what the framework contains, its purpose, advantages, why it’s important for schools to adopt it and the challenges that are likely to be faced during the implementation of the framework.

The Sexual Education framework in Uganda is taken a long process of acquiring, learning and teaching acceptable information that is age, cultural and religiously appropriate. The framework forms attitudes, beliefs and values about cognitive, emotional, social, interactive and physical aspects of sexuality and the evolution of the Human body. It encompasses sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image and gender roles

The dialogue involved reviewing the framework with an audience who understood what the policy is about, the purpose of the framework in promoting sexuality framework in the Ugandan context, enabling young people to make healthy choices about their sexual health and utilizing life skills in developing attitudes and skills that maximize their God-given potential. The strategic priority and seven goals of the framework were discussed as well as how to use the framework by the different sectors/stakeholders/community gatekeepers.

The different stakeholders, teachers, parents and district leaders were able to give their opinion regarding the sexuality framework as it was an interactive dialogue and the audience gave their feedback. Parents have been urged to be engaged in the policy during Parents Teachers meetings so as to keep them in the know, there should be an increase in sensitization about the existence of the framework.

Community gatekeepers called upon the government to roll out the framework as it will relieve the country from the biggest challenges that it’s facing. Parents have been encouraged to interest themselves in Sexual Reproductive Health Issues and not trust their children to get SRH information from somewhere else and also package the information to be best understood by the kids.

The dialogue was a very great interactive session as it created awareness about the National Sexuality Education framework among the local leaders and community gatekeepers

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