PHAU at the beginning of this week together with partners, CYSRA and LVCT kenya started a 1week qualitative study / research training for research assistants. The research is aimed at identifying the facilitators and barriers to access and uptake of HIV, SRH and GBV information and services among youths and Adolescents in respective areas of implementation. The research will take a period of 2months under the E4C project by PHAU in luwero and Busia by CYSRA. Eight (8) PHAU advocates attended a 5days training on research skills to enable them carryout research activities.

The objective of the training: To equip co-researchers (advocates and respective community leaders) and E4C project staff with skills in conducting the E4C research study data collection and skills on how to conduct photovoice as a community- based participatory action research approach within the project.

Day 1: In pictures is PHAU advocates (E4C project) are attending a research training at Eureka Palace Hotel Kampala. The training is being facilitated by LVCT team from Kenya. Day 1 training is focusing on introduction to E4C Research study and the research objectives.

Some of the PHAU advocates in the qualitative study training
One of the facilitators leading the session.

Day 2: Focused on Research ethics that will guide the research assistants during field data collection.
The training continued with discussions and brainstorm sessions with different Focus Group Discussions(FDG) scenarios to select the, suitable participants for the research; data collection methods for the research. The criteria for selecting research study participants, how to probe questions during an interviews.

Participants in one of the group working sessions on qualitative study.
CYSRA and PHAU trainees actively participating in the qualitative study training.

Day 3: The advocates (research assistants) were trained on how to carryout KII,FDGs and IDIs using the proposed research data collection tools. These occurred in different sessions as a way of testing the capability of the research assistants.

Patrick Muhumuza one of our Advocates from Luwero E4C project was featured sharing some key highlights.

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